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CEP’s Submission on the NCCA Draft Primary Curriculum Specifications

CEP’s Submission on the NCCA Draft Primary Curriculum Specifications

The board of the Catholic Education Partnership has made a submission to the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment on the draft Primary Curriculum specifications. The submission may be found here. The following are the key recommendations from our submission:...

Catholic Schools Week 2025 – Alive in Christ!

Catholic Schools Week 2025 – Alive in Christ!

Catholic Schools Week 2025 – Alive in Christ!  “Christ is alive! He is our hope, and in a wonderful way he brings youth to our world, and everything he touches becomes young, new, full of life. The very first words, then, that I would like to say to every young...

Catholic Schools Week – 2023 – Resources

Catholic Schools Week – 2023 – Resources

Catholic Schools will take place on 22-29 January 2023 on the theme of the process of synodality, with three features of synodality being identified as helpful to exploring ‘Walking Together in Faith & Love’: • Communion • Participation • Mission Please find below...

Catholic Schools Week – 2023 – Walking Together in Faith & Love

Catholic Schools Week – 2023 – Walking Together in Faith & Love

Reflecting on the theme, and on the process of synodality, the writers for Catholic Schools Week 2023 identified three features of synodality helpful to exploring ‘Walking Together in Faith & Love’: • Communion • Participation • Mission The resources will reflect...