About Us

The Catholic Education Partnership 

The Catholic Education Partnership, (CEP), established in the Autumn of 2020, is a registered company and charity with a mandate for primary, post-primary, third level and adult education issues.

In accordance with its constitution, CEP will:

  • Where agreed on behalf of the IEC, be an authoritative voice for Catholic schools and represent the joint position of Catholic Patrons and Management nationally with Government, DES and with other relevant education bodies on matters of joint concern related to education in Ireland.
  • Lead and facilitate the development of agreed positions between Catholic Patrons, inclusive of schools with Catholic co-patronage and management on matters of mutual concern in relation to education in Ireland.  
  • Develop and oversee an effective partnership for Catholic education in Ireland between Catholic Patrons, Management and Government.


CEP will support the advancement of Catholic religion and the advancement of education in accordance with Catholic Ethos through support and promotion of Catholic faith-based education, and supporting and developing Catholic schools and other relevant environments within the Irish education system, all in accordance with the requirements and statutes for education issued from time to time by the Irish Episcopal Conference.

We value:   

  • Education excellence for each person, believing that every human person is made in the image and likeness of God and is of inestimable value. 
  • The Catholic school as serving human development and the common good, respecting faith and reason. 
  • The commitment of the Catholic school to meeting the personal, social and spiritual development of each member in an inclusive school community. 
  • The identity, tradition and characteristic spirit of each of our schools.
  • Schools as a central expression of the faith-life of the Catholic community. 
  • Excellence in Patronage, Trusteeship and Management, based on the principle of subsidiarity. 
  • Collaboration and harmonious relationships between the partners in education.